Bannière Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg

The Strasbourg astronomical data center (CDS) provides reference astronomical services:

  • SIMBAD is the reference database for identification and bibliography of astronomical objects (outside the solar system).
  • VizieR is a catalogue service for large sky surveys, catalogues and tables published in academic papers, and more and more other data associated to publications.
  • The interactive sky atlas Aladin provides an interactive portal to access image collections and databases available via Virtual Observatory protocols.
  • The CDS cross-match service allows to do positional cross-matching of very large catalogues.

Licence Creative Commons ADASS 2024 presentation by Manon Marchand on iPyaladin

14 novembre 2024
Durée : 00:14:22
Nombre de vues 8
Nombre d’ajouts dans une liste de lecture 0
Nombre de favoris 0

This video is a recording of the talk given by Manon Marchand during ADASS 2024, with the participation of Matthieu Baumann, Thomas Boch, and Tom Czekaj.

It highlights how the newest versions of the iPyAladin widget have increased the compatibility between iPyAladin and the astropy ecosystem.

The notebook presented can be executed while viewing the video. To do so, download the files: - ADASS2024_ipyaladin_demo.ipynb - requirements.txt - chandra.fits from this link.

In a folder containing these files, create a new python (version between 3.8 and 3.12) environment:

$ python -m venv ./.adass-ipyaladin $ source .adass-ipyaladin/bin/activate (or .adass-ipyaladin\Scripts\activate.bat if you're using Windows cmd)
And install the required dependencies with:

$ pip install -r requirements_24vnFxP.txt

You can launch Jupyter and execute the cells:
$ python -m jupyterlab

When you're done, deactivate the environment with
$ deactivate

Mots clés : aladin astropy ipyaladin



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